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Kochi’s Goshree Bridge witnesses two suicides on Thursday; police find unidentified body near bridge

NW Staff

Kochi's Goshree Bridge is turning into a suicide point as two people committed suicide from the bridge at different hours on Thursday. The police also found an unidentified body near the bridge this morning.

The Kerala Police found the body of an auto driver who was hanging from the bridge. According to reports, Mulavukad native Vijayan committed suicide after reportedly testing positive for Covid-19. People who came to fish at the lake found Vijayan’s body hanging from the bridge today morning and immediately alerted the police.

Reportedly, Vijayan had Covid-19 symptoms and underwent a test to confirm if he was positive. The test result confirmed that he was positive. After learning the test result, Vijayan switched off his phone. Reportedly, his relatives inquired about his whereabouts but they did not receive any information.

While the police were lifting Vijayan’s body from the bridge they heard a scream and saw a girl running towards one side of the bridge. She jumped off the bridge and into the lake. Reportedly, a man also jumped from the bridge to save her but his effort went in vain. The victim was identified as Bryona Mario (26), a resident of Pallippuram in Kochi.

Meanwhile, the police also found an unidentified body near DP World on Goshree Road today morning. According to reports, the unidentified body has been shifted to the Ernakulam General Hospital.

Police and locals have said that the Goshree Bridge has become a suicide point. They say that the bridge is easily accessible and there are no safety nets to stop people from committing suicide. Police said that safety measures need to put in place before more people commit suicide from the bridge.