Adults over 18 years eligible for Covid-19 vaccination from May 1, says Government of India

The Centre said that before May 1, vaccine manufacturers would make an advance straightforward declaration on the price of vaccine for 50% supply to the state government and in the open market
Adults over 18 years eligible for Covid-19 vaccination from May 1, says Government of India
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Amid a rampaging Covid-19 surge, the Government of India (GOI) has announced that those above the age of 18 years will become eligible for vaccination from May 1.

“Private vaccination providers shall transparently declare their self-set vaccination price. Eligibility through this channel would be opened up to all adults, including those above the age of 18 years,” the Centre said, according to a leading news agency.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a Covid-19 meeting with pharma companies.

The Centre said that before May 1, manufacturers would make advance straightforward declaration on the vaccine price for 50% supply to state government and in the open market.

The Centre added that state governments, private hospitals, industrial establishments etc., would be able to procure vaccine doses from manufacturers based on the advanced price.

The Centre also said that inoculation will continue as usual at the central government vaccination centres that provide free doses of vaccine to the health workers, frontline workers and those above the age of 45 years.

During his meeting with leading doctors earlier, Modi noted that this time the pandemic is spreading rapidly in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities as well.

The news comes on a day when India reported 2,73,810 new Covid-19 cases.

The NationWide