Save Communism: Posters appear against Culture Minister AK Balan’s wife’s candidature in Palakkad

According to sources, many CPM activists have not taken lightly to Dr PK Jameela’s candidature, seeing as how the party has always taken a stand against family rule
Save Communism: Posters appear against Culture Minister AK Balan’s wife’s candidature in Palakkad
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Reportedly, party members have turned against Kerala Culture Minister AK Balan in Palakkad, as reports of posters against him have flooded social media. While the posters don’t name Balan, they have been widely seen near the party’s area committee office, and near the minister’s residence.

The posters say, “If you try to make the constituency into your family property using your party influence, then brave communists will react accordingly” and “The belief that there is no life without authority will end the continuance of governance”.

The issue follows reports the AK Balan’s wife PK Jameela will stand for election in Tharoor instead of Balan since he was asked not to by party leadership. There was a wave of common anger amongst party workers in Tharoor against Dr Jameela’s candidature. The posters have appeared in the area, before the district-level party meeting scheduled for today.

Meanwhile, according to sources, many have not taken lightly to Jameela’s candidature, seeing as how the party has always taken a stand against family rule within the leadership. Moreover, they add that her candidature will hurt CPM’s chances in the constituency. On the other hand, earlier reports had pointed out that the party’s state committee recommended Jameela’s name, while he claimed that it was only preliminary discussion and anyone’s name could have been suggested.

The NationWide