What can be better than wishing our country new heights of success in 2021, says PM Modi

During the last ‘Mann ki Baat’ address of 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that the Covid-19 challenges and crisis has brought up a positive change in people across the country
What can be better than wishing our country new heights of success in 2021, says PM Modi
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi has addressed the nation on the 72nd episode of ‘Mann ki Baat’ radio programme on Sunday. The Prime Minister said that as the New Year is four days away, this will be the last episode this year. The next episode will be released next year.

The Prime Minister commenced his address talking about the New Year. “In the past couple of days, I have received many letters and calls from people telling their experiences of this year and resolutions for 2021. What could be better than wishing our country new heights of success and greater recognition for empowered India in the year 2021,” Modi said while reading a letter, written by Anjali from Kolhapur.

While reading all the letters, the Prime Minister said that he found a common thread in these letters and shared it with his listeners. “In most letters, people remember when we experimented Janata curfew (lockdown) which became an inspiration to the world, and when we expressed solidarity for our Covid-19 warriors. Even the common man experienced this change,” PM Modi said, adding that he has witnessed a flow of hope in the country.

“Despite challenges and crisis due to Covid-19, the country learnt new lessons from each crisis and developed new capabilities which in words can be described as self-reliance (Aatmanirbharatha),” the Prime Minister said. PM Modi went on to talk about Vocal for Local. He said that it is time to ensure that the products produced in India should meet global standards.

Moving forward, the Prime Minister took a step back to pay tribute to Sikh Gurus, remembering their sacrifice and have helped in protecting and maintain India’s traditions and millennia-old culture. “On this day, the sons of Guru Gobind Singh, Sahibzade Zorawar Singh and Fateh Singh were immured alive. Despite death staring in their face, they did not even budge a bit. It is a day to remember for each one of us,” Modi said.

The Prime Minister also mentioned the increase in the leopard, tigers and lion population, and forest cover in India. “It not only because of government efforts, but several people and organizations working together towards wildlife conservation and all deserve our appreciation,” Modi said. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister also went to praise the efforts of the youth of India. “When I see the youth of India, I feel happy seeing the ‘Can Do’ approach and ‘Will Do’ spirit in them,” Modi said.

Modi also encouraged Indians to buy Kashmiri saffron, saying the government wanted to make it a popular global brand. “In May this year, the Kashmiri Saffron was given the Geographical Indication Tag (GI Tag). We want to make Kashmiri Saffron a globally popular brand,” Modi said, adding that after GI Tag, Kashmir saffron has got a different identity and exports will increase and saffron farmers will benefit from this.

The Prime Minister reminded his listeners about the teaching of Gita. “Two days ago, we celebrated ‘Gita Jayanthi’. We must remember the teachings in the sacred Gita. One thing the Gita teaches us is to keep learning,” Modi said, adding like the Gita, all the wisdom starts with inquisitiveness.

The NationWide